Children and youth bring laughter, creativity, and hope into Trinity United Church, and that is why we value our children and youth programs so highly.
Sunday School is offered weekly at 10:30, and is a space for children ages 4 to 12 to explore scripture, while also making crafts, doing experiments, and playing games.
We are currently advertising for a Child and Youth Coordinator. See Trinity’s Facebook page for the job description.
If you are someone who would be interested in volunteering with any of these programs, please let us know!
Trinity Playgroup:
Trinity drop in program is a free playgroup for children ages 5 and under. We provide a safe place for children to become more socialized and to meet other children in their area. We encourage the parents to interact and build up their community while spending time with their children. We offer a wide range of toys to play with as well as playdough on Tuesdays and a craft on Fridays, as well as circle and storytime. We are open Tuesday and Friday mornings, 9:30 – 11 am. We have a Facebook page, Trinity Playgroup or Catherine can be reached at