Worship Moment

Lifted in Laughter

Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 (NRSV)

Everything Has Its Time

3 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:  a time to weep, and a time to laugh;

I’m going to guess that over the last several weeks many of us have felt like weeping. We are in uncertain and tumultuous times and we cannot know what tomorrow will bring.  Weeping is a natural response in such times. 

So, too, is laughter. This week as my family was helping me to prepare for Sunday worship we were recording together.  Oh my! What started out as a serious and planned endeavour took us down the road of laughing and being silly and having to start and restart our recording multiple times. We got to the point (as you will, no doubt see on Sunday) where we had to really settle ourselves down and “get serious”. In retrospect – I wish we had recorded the laughter and the silliness and the fun. Communion, community, faith do not need to always be serious. There is a time for every matter, and laughter is good for our souls. One of my favourite depictions of Jesus was entitled “The Liberator” and is more commonly known as “The Laughing Christ”. I love to think of Jesus with a wonderful sense of humour and a deep belly laugh! (If you don’t know it, trying Googling the picture.)

I pray that each day you get to laugh a little, or a LOT.  I pray that you can be silly with the people you love. I pray that you find some joy in every day, knowing that God finds great joy in YOU.

I share this video with you (below) in hopes that you will laugh.  Yes, it is silly.  And it also contains wonderful teaching about Palm Sunday, which we will celebrate this Sunday April 5th. If this particular form of humour is not for you, I encourage you to listen for the wisdom and the invitation that is extended to you as you prepare for our Palm Sunday worship.

Tomorrow (Saturday) I will send out a reminder about our Sunday worship.  We will celebrate communion together. You may want to be thinking about the communion elements you will use – everyday things you have in your home that we will ask the Holy Spirit to bless. I look forward to knowing that our Trinity community will share in the meal together, even virtually.  You will see several familiar faces in our worship time!

Holding you in prayer, Rev. Tracy


God of laughter, God of every season, we come to you this day and we give thanks for those times of laughter and joy. We give thanks for treasured moments that bubble up and for people with whom we can be silly.

Today we pray for all those who continue to help put smiles on people’s faces as they care for others. We give thanks for volunteers who continue to provide meals, for those who work in group homes, for those who are trying to balance what it means to “work from home” and those whose work is on hiatus.

There are many for whom we pray.  God hear our prayers….Amen.

To Watch and Enjoy: