Worship Moment

Fashion 101

Jeremiah 29: 11-14a

11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. 12 Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. 13 When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, 14 I will let you find me, says the Lord



Getting out the door on time has NEVER been a successful part of life in our house. I have likely driven my kids to school because we have missed the bus, as often as they have taken the bus in the morning. You know the routine; hitting the snooze button just one more time, the milk jug is empty and no one wants to go to the garage fridge to get more, lunch bags from the day before still have to be unpacked, no one can find ANY socks let alone a matching pair, everyone needs a shower at the same time, did anyone feed the dog?  It happens in many homes, whether you are a family trying to get out the door or one person having that last sip of coffee.

In all of the morning chaos what I am finding humourous right now is that my daughter is taking the time to coordinate her face mask with her outfit. She has several masks that she strategically purchased and selects the best one for her outfit that day. At first I didn’t get it – I have been wearing combinations that I’m sure make her shudder and that even I notice clash.

This morning as I was thinking about it, I realized two things: 1) It makes her happy.  She loves fashion, she thinks about these things that many others don’t think about and it really does look good. 2) In this time where she has so little control over much in her life or the world, this is ONE thing that she can decide upon for herself.

For her it is her facemask.  What is it for you?  What are the things you are doing these days to make yourself happy?  To nurture your spirit? To make you smile (even if no one can see it behind the mask!)?  What are the things that you can control and that are important to you when so much feels beyond our control right now?  What do you need to invest your time and energy into so that you feel on solid ground?

So often we don’t recognize the importance of these little things that really do make a huge difference in our lives.  Many of us don’t take the time to do the things that make us happy or lift our spirits.  Some right now are so bogged down with the current challenges in the world and in our lives, that we have forgotten that we can make healthy and life-giving choices each day.

And if we don’t know what that looks like or how to start, perhaps the first place to begin is with prayer.

God longs for us to have a future filled with hope. God created us in goodness and love. Even in the midst of pandemics and change and so many isms that threaten us, God is present and is attentively waiting for us to reach out for guidance and hope. God can inspire us and remind us of what is good.  In spending time with God we can find direction for our lives that leads us to new possibilities and new life.

I trust that God wills for God’s people to find joy and goodness in all of life. Whether it is in something as simple as coordinating your face masks or having lunch with a friend or harvesting the tomatoes in your garden or washing your favourite vehicle or looking through family photos.  Some might say all this is very shallow in the midst of a hurting world.  Others teach us that when we live life fully, when we appreciate the simple things, we are living in gratitude to God.

May you experience simple joys today and know that God is with you.


God, today I need something to fill me with joy and to lift my spirit.  May your Spirit work in me and remind me that you are in all of life.  Help me to appreciate simple things today that remind me of goodness and hope.  Amen.

To Listen and Sing